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Libraries and Books and Words...Oh My!
Bronze Medal Winner 2016
Moonbeam Children's Book Award - #35-Reading Skills/Literacy
The path that leads into the library is a challenge for the mother in this story; however the love for her children's what opens the doors. Through courage and sheer determination, everything she learns along her journey helps her to discover her own personal power and fosters a lifelong love of learning within her. there is no bigger strength than facing your fears...and there's no place like the library. It can lead you to endless possibilities and adventures.
Author & Illustrator: Carey Rigby-Wilcox
Publisher: See a Book Take a Look
Publishing Date: 2016
Size: 8x8
Format: Full Colour Children's Book 36 pages
ISBN: 978-1-927778-04-3 - Soft Cover Book
ISBN: 978-1-927778-07-4 - PDF Version
ISBN: 978-1-927778-05-0 - Fixed Version
ISBN: 978-1-927778-06-0 - Flowable Version